
Vassar Brothers Institute is a non-profit organization established in 1882 devoted to further the study of science, literature and art 

John Guy Vassar and Matthew Vassar Jr., nephews of Matthew Vassar who founded Vassar College, recognized the need for an organization that would continue three educational societies formed during the 1870’s to discuss science, literature and art.  These societies merged in 1881 to form the Vassar Brothers Institute of which we are members today.

The Vassars were civic minded and generous. They built a Victorian multi-purpose building on Vassar Street in Poughkeepsie (on the site of their former brewery) and presented it to our trustees on November 28, 1882.  It contained an active museum, library, arts studio and an auditorium seating 215 people.

Three sections of the Institute sponsored lectures, worked with farmers to increase agricultural knowledge, and offered popular courses in arts, civics and language.  Each year since 1882 a series of lectures has been held, sometimes with as many as 19 programs. Several were given by Vassar College professors and other well-known public figures. Following World War I, public schools, given seed money from our endowment, took over  many of these programs.

As our membership increased, we outgrew the original building on Vassar Street.  It was sold in 1977 and now the Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center uses it to enhance its programs in the community. From 1946 to 2017, we   presented personally narrated Travel and Adventure Films in the Poughkeepsie High School.  “Science in Your Life” lectures were started in 1983 and are presently held at Our Lady of Lourdes High School Auditorium.  Not only do funds from our endowment subsidize the science lectures, they also support a variety of programs in the community that relate to the Vassar’s objectives to promote education and useful knowledge in the areas of Science, Literature and Art.




Maung S. Htoo, President, Ph.D.

Robert Brickner, Secretary

David Pfirman, Treasurer

Board of Trustees

Robert Brickner

Arne C. Christensen

James Holmgren

Maung S. Htoo, Ph.D.

Naomi Htoo-Mosher

Steven C. Johnson

David Pfirman